This is the complete list (organized by course) of the remotely accessible ebooks of texts required for Winter 2024 courses at SWC. Along with a direct link to each ebook, you will find information regarding access features of each ebook and any restrictions that might limit access. Not seeing a book here that you would like free access to? Curious about our other ebook holdings? Please email us at askthelibrary@swc.edu, and we will be happy to assist you.
You can retrieve credentials for accessing ebooks from EBSCOhost, by clicking here.
AT/CN 545 Theories of Art Therapy
AT/CN 593 Art Therapy Techniques & Materials
AT/CN 594 Studio Art
AT/CN 663-2 Theory and Practice of Family Art Therapy & Counseling
CN 565-3 Addiction Assessment & Treatment
CN 657-3 Practicum II & Lab
CN AT 500-3 Multicultural Awareness
CN AT 530-3 Consciousness I: Cultivating the Healing Power of Presence
CN AT 574 Psychology of Altruism
CN AT 581-5 Psychopathology Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental and Emotional Disorders
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