Welcome students of Professional Ethics in Art Therapy/Counseling! This guide is designed to assist you in researching and preparing the academic paper assigned in this course.
As a reminder: Textbooks, articles, and other resources designated as required reading for this course are not hosted on this guide but are uploaded directly to the course site in Populi. Contact us at, with any questions, issues accessing resources, requests for additional resources, and any other support we can offer.
ACADEMIC PAPER: Ethical Decision-Making Using the DO ART model (due week 9)
According to the course syllabus: This 6-to-8-page paper should reflect your best effort in terms of level of thought and reflection, construction of paper, grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, and adhere to APA 7th edition formatting guidelines (including in-text citations and a reference page). The assignment calls for the citation of 2 outside sources and 1 or more relevant ethics codes.
The assignment is to choose 1 client case study from the course syllabus and use the DO ART model by Hauck and Ling to analyze the scenario. Thoughtfully detail the theoretical application of the DO ART model to the chosen case study and include considerations of cultural and historical factors; identity experiences related to factors such as race, class, gender, age, sexuality, ability, language privilege, citizenship; and power differentials between therapist and client. PLEASE CONSULT THE SYLLABUS FOR A COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS
Collected in this guide are links to searchable journals, where you can find additional sources, related to the DO ART model, ethical decision-making models, and cultural competence in art therapy, as well as links to texts that will help to flesh out your understanding of ethics in art therapy, generate ideas for research, and connect you with narratives of art therapists who have grappled with such ethical dilemmas.
Most resources listed here are hosted on QML's ebook and article databases. You can retrieve credentials for accessing articles and journals from Taylor & Francis and ebooks from EBSCOhost, by clicking here.
Want to search the literature for information on specific dilemmas, elements client identities, or cultural contexts? Searching these journals automatically narrows your search, so that all results returned are in the context of art therapy, thus reducing the effort you need to put into keyword formulation.
Here are just a few examples of relevant articles that can be located through searching the above journals and throughout the expansive Taylor & Francis Database. These articles may be useful sources in themselves. They references pages, offering citations to the related literature with which they engage may also present useful leads on sources for this assignment.
Though it is not a collection of peer reviewed, academic articles, the following ebook might be a great resource for learning more about specific ethical dilemmas in the field, reading the thoughts and experiences of art therapists who have grappled with these dilemmas, and discovering additional academic research, referred to by these art therapists.
AS A REMINDER: All required reading for this course will either be provided in Populi directly, or will have a link to EBSCOhost for textbooks that are available on that platform.
What follows is a list of recommended or related readings from the course syllabus. Note that not all items from the original list may be immediately available. However, please contact the library for additional access options or with any other questions.
Frame, M.W., & Williams, C.B. (2005). A model of ethical decision making from a multicultural perspective. Counseling and Values, 49(3). 165-179. |
Moon, B. (2011). Ethical dilemmas of providing pro bono art therapy. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 28(4). 181-184. |
Talwar, S. (2010). An intersectional framework for race, class, gender, and sexuality in art therapy. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 27(1). 11-17. |
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