The syllabus for CN AT 531-3: Consciousness II: Cultivating the Healing Presence of Love, presents a long list of films, from which students are required to view a minimum of two (2), with the stated objective of developing "a felt sense for the meaning of conscious leadership through [Light Figure/Change Agent] in history."
This guide organizes the films presented on that list, provides full citations for all (in accordance with APA 7th edition guidelines), and offers links and/or information for accessing the films via QML's collections, streaming platforms, and other online locations.
Altman, R. (Director). (1990). Vincent & Theo [Television Miniseries]. Metro Goldwyn Mayer.
Place a hold on library copy (abridged)
Free with Amazon Prime subscription (unabridged, with ads)
Apted, M. (Director). (2006). Amazing grace [Film]. Bristol Bay Productions.
Place a hold on library copy
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Vudu, Amazon Prime
Attenborough, R. (Director). (1987). Cry freedom [Film]. Universal Pictures.
Place hold on library copy
$3.99 on YouTube, Google Play, Vudu, Amazon Prime
Attenborough, R. (Director). (1982). Gandhi [Film]. Goldcrest Films.
Place a hold on library copy
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Apple TV
Bemberg, M. L. (Director). (1990). I, the worst of all [Film]. Granier-Deferre.
Bertolucci, B. (Director). (1987). The last emperor [Film]. Hemdale Film Corporation.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with HBO Max or Amazon Premium subscription
$2.99 - $3.99 on iTunes
Bovaira, F. (Director). (1997). Agora [Film]. Lions Gate Films.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with Amazon Prime subscription
$3.99 on YouTube or iTunes
Boyle, D. (Director). (2011). 127 hours [Film]. Fox Searchlight Pictures.
Place a hold on library copy
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Vudu, Amazon Prime
Brook, P. (Director). (1979). Meetings with remarkable men [Film]. Enterprise Pictures.
Place a hold on library copy
Free on YouTube
Chadwick, J. (Director). (2014). Mandela: Long walk to freedom [Film]. 20th Century Fox.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with Netflix or Peacock subscription
$3.99 on iTunes, Vudu, Amazon Prime
Cuerda, J. L. (Director). (1999). Butterfly [Film]. Miramax Films. (Alternative title: Butterfly’s Tongue)
Place hold on library copy
Free with subscription to YouTube Primetime
$5.99 on Amazon
Dash, J. (Director). (2002). The Rosa Parks story [Film]. Chotzen/Jenner Productions.
De Bosio, G. (Director). (1974). Moses: The lawgiver [Film]. ITC/RAI.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with ads on Tubi
Duguay, C. (Director). (1999). Joan of Arc [Television miniseries]. Artisan Atlantis Entertainment.
Place a hold on library copy
Free on YouTube
DuVernay, A. (Director). (2014). Selma [Film]. Pathe.
Eastwood, C. (Director). (2009). Invictus [Film]. Liberty Pictures.
Place a hold on library copy
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon Prime
Elikann, L. (Director). (1995). Tecumseh: the last warrior [TV Film]. Turner Pictures.
Epstein, R. (Director). (1984). The times of Harvey Milk [Film]. The Criterion Collection.
Place a hold on library copy
Free on HBO Max and Amazon Premium with subscription
$2.99 Youtube, Amazon Prime, and iTunes
Evans, J. (Director). (2005). Che Guevara [Film]. Guerilla Works LLC.
Place hold on library copy
Free in four parts on YouTube
Gavron, S. (Director). (2015). Suffragette [Film]. Universal Pictures.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with Peacock subscription
$3.99 on AYoutube, AppleTV, iTunes, and Amazon Prime
Gibson, M. (Director). (1995). Braveheart [Film]. Paramount Pictures.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with subscription to Hulu Premium, Amazon Premium, and HBO Max
$2.99 on YouTube, iTunes, and Google Play
Hartel, D. (Director). (1992). Sage of Arunachala [Documentary Film]. Aunachala Ashrama, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Center.
Place a hold on library copy
Free on YouTube
Irvin, J. (Director). (1996). Crazy Horse [TV Film]. Turner Home Entertainment.
Ivory, J. (Director). (1996). Surviving Picasso [Film]. Warner Bros.
Place a hold on library copy
$2.99 on Youtube, iTunes, and Amazon Prime
Januszczak, W. (Director). (2001). Picasso: magic, sex, death [Television miniseries]. American Home Treasures.
Place a hold on library copy
Free on YouTube
Kelly, T. & Soap, C. (Directors). (2013). The Cherokee word for water [Film]. Mankiller Project.
Place hold on library copy
$3.99 on AppleTV
Knoblock, K. (Director). (1997, December 9). Edgar Cayce: The sleeping psychic (Season 1997, Episode 85) [TV series episode]. In K. Knoblock & R. Meyers (Producers), Biography. A&E Networks; Greystone Communications.
Kounen, J. (Director). (2005). Darshan: The embrace [Film]. Les Productions de la Roche.
Place hold on library copy
Free on YouTube
Leder, M. (Director). (2018). On the basis of sex [Film]. Focus Features.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with Hulu premium subscription
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon Prime
Lee, S. (Director). (1992). Malcolm X [Film]. 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with HBO Max or Amazon Prime subscripion
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play
Leighton, M. (Presenter). (2000). The supernatural : Nostradamus, the story of the man and his prophecies [Film]. Eagle Rock Entertainment, Ltd.
Lemle, M. (Director). (2001). Ram Dass: fierce grace [Film]. Zeitgeist Films
Michaels, R. (Director). (1983). Sadat [Television Miniseries]. Blatt-Singer Productions.
Nava, G. (Director). (1997). Selena [Film]. Warner Bros.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with HBO Max subscription
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon
Petrie, A. & Petrie, J. (Directors). (1986). Mother Teresa [Documentary Film]. Petrie Productions, Inc.
Read, D. & Starhawk (Directors). (2003). Signs out of time: The story of archaeologist Marija Gimbutas [Film]. Kino Lorber Films.
Place a hold on library copy
Free on YouTube
Rhodes, M. R. (Director). (1996). Entertaining angels: the Dorothy Day story [Film]. Paulist Pictures.
Scorsese, M. (Director). (1988). The last temptation of Christ [Film]. Universal Pictures.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with Amazon Premium subscription
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play
Scorsese, M. (Director). (1997). Kundun (Film). Touchstone Pictures.
Place a hold on library copy
Free on YouTube (quality must be set manually to 144p)
Smith, M. (Director). (1989). Voice of the Amazon [Film]. Miranda Documentary.
Soderbergh, S. (Director). (2000). Erin Brokovitch [Film]. Universal Pictures.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with Hulu Premium or Amazon Prime subscription
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Apple TV
Spielberg, S. (Director). (2012). Lincoln [Film]. Dreamworks.
Pace a hold on library copy
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon
Spielberg, S. (Director). (1993). Schindler’s List [Film]. Amblin Entertainment.
Place a hold on library copy
$3.99 Amazon Prime, Google Play, and Apple TV
Taymor, J. (Director). (2002). Frida [Film]. Handprint Entertainment.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with HBO Max, Hulu Premium or Amazon Prime subscription
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Apple TV
Uth, R. (Director). (2000). Tesla: master of lightning [Documentary Film]. New Voyage Communications.
Place a hold on library copy
Free on YouTube
Vallee, J. (Director). (2013). Dallas buyers club [Film]. Truth Entertainment.
Place hold on library copy
Free with Peacock subscription
$3.99 on YouTube, Google Play, iTunes, and Amazon Prime
van Sant, G. (Director). (2008). Milk [Film]. Focus Features.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with HBO Max, Amazon Premium, or Hulu premium subscription
$3.99 on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Vudu, and Amazon Prime
von Garnier, K. (Director). (2004). Iron jawed angels [Film]. HBO Films.
Place a hold on library copy
Free with HBO Max, Hulu Premium, or Amazon Prime subscription
Wagstaff, C. (Director). (1988). Mary Baker Eddy: A heart in protest [Film]. First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Place a hold on library copy
Free at
West, B. & Cohen, J. (Directors). (2018). RGB [Film]. Magnolia Pictures.
Zeffirelli, F. (Director). (1972). Brother sun, sister moon [Film]. Paramount Pictures.
Place a hold on library copy
$2.99 on YouTube, iTunes, and Google Play
Zaeffirelli, F. (Director). (1977). Jesus of Nazareth [Television miniseries]. ITC Entertainment.
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